Not to many things to say about this one. I take that back…
I want to say;
Oh my damn!
I am giving you, my dear readers, the first looks at a fabulous bedroom transformation we just completed in the Far North Chicago Suburbs.
Here we go….
This all started when I got a lovely phone call from a potential client named Molly, that had originally seen me on HGTV. She told me about her space, and how she felt that her bedroom seemed “blah” to her. She had no retreat. Molly desperately longed for a place that she could spend time in, read in, and above all relax in.

She was witty, realistic, and understood that as much as we love my hour long shows on HGTV, design does not does not happen in 43 minutes!
We got some initial logistics out of the way and we set up our first consultation.
Me, the day of the appointment, became very excited, Molly lived only minutes away from my front door, and living in a Chicago Burb, that was rare.
Once I got there I was greeted by her smiling face and witty charm. Before she even showed me the room in question, She said that I could have full creative license to do what I needed to do to her bedroom. “SAY WHAAH”!?
Many people are terrified hiring a designer. Rightfully so, they are getting ready to invest a pretty penny, and they need to make sure that the everything, down to the last floral arrangement is to their liking. Doing this, a client can unknowingly stifle a designer’s creativity, sometimes this can produce lackluster results and more time spent on a project. However with her giving me permission to be as creative as possible – I loved Molly, and this project already!

The Before
She was right about that “un-special” feeling it gave her…. Besides that fabulous bed, it was a blank slate.
I started with letting Molly and her husband Patrick select from 3 floor plans.
For the sake of your boredom, I will show the one she selected vs. all of them:

When designing for clients, I use a program called Wecora. It is a software that allows creatives “pin” their ideas for the clients or the end-user to chime in and give their real time input. Using Wecora speeds up the design process DRAMATICALLY, and my clients love it, because they get a ton of input on the front end and it takes me less time (in design hours) to complete a project!
After we sifted through pieces on Wecora (MANY that she loved) I came up with 3 moodboards for Molly and her husband to “vote” for the best one:

Moodboard 1 – Light and Neutral.

Moodboard 2 – In the Blues

Moodboard #3 A Neutral Background With a Hint of Icy Blue
Even though the differences were slight in the visual mood boards, the creamy wallpaper enveloped in the bedroom was a second choice to the “Edgy Blue” Selection.
With Moodboard #2 as my choice – I rendered away…

The day I posted this rendering on social media, Molly was hanging out with her kids. She started scrolling her timeline, came across this, and did not realize this was a rendering of her completed room! I heard she teared up that day once she put two and two together!
With her blessing we started the lengthy ordering and furniture customization process.
Are you ready to see the REAL LIFE FINISHED ROOM?
Remember the before:


After – Bedroom By Tiffany Brooks


After – Bedroom By Tiffany Brooks


After – Bedroom By Tiffany Brooks

After – Bedroom By Tiffany Brooks

After – Bedroom By Tiffany Brooks

After – Bedroom By Tiffany Brooks

After – Bedroom By Tiffany Brooks
Bite your bottom lip sexy, right!? I don’t get jealous of too many of my clients’ spaces but this one still takes my breath away everytime I look at the pics!
The craziest part was by me adding more furniture, actually made the space feel larger.
Molly and her husband Patrick loved the finished space, and promised me I will be back to finish the rest of the house!
Your Interior Designer & HGTV Host

All after photos by: Page Photography in Chicago